What is the admissions process for residency?
Those interested in residence should fill out the form on the “Contact Us” website page. A representative of Willow Commons will follow up with a phone call. A parent information night is planned for March and everyone on the interest list will be invited to the meeting, which will be held via zoom. The admissions process will be shared at that time.
Is there a specific age range to be considered for residency?
Individuals must be at least 22 years old to be considered for residency.
Is Willow Commons intended as a single gender community?
Willow Commons will strive for a gender balanced community.
Will the apartment units be rental units or are they privately owned?
The units will be rented to eligible residents. While the rental fee has not yet been determined, nine of the units are deed restricted to San Mateo County’s low income limits.
Who will provide services for Willow Commons’ residents?
Willow Commons is not a service provider. Each resident has the right and opportunity to choose their own service providing organization or individuals.